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Monday, October 28, 2013

Sparkle Paper Towels TV Commercial with Tracey Petrillo-Smith (Kerri the Fairy)

Screenshot for the ad, I have been looking for weeks and do not have any info on Sparkle.

It might be Tracey Petrillo-Smith, but i have not confirmed this yet, thanks to K for the addition!

Tracey Petrillo-Smith, but not sure if its her playing Kerri the Fairy in the commercial.

Here is the ad:


K said...

Tracey Petrillo-Smith?

For_What_It's_Worth said...

I am not sure if it is or not, I added her name and will try and verify it. I checked her facebook and didnt see anything, but found her name offered by someone else on you tube. Tine will tell, thanks for stopping by!

stacla said...

It is definitely Tracey Petrillo-Smith.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

Great, thanks so much for the confirm!

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@David, I will look tonight or this week for information, thanks for stopping by; check back often :)

jorlitta said...

It is her:

For_What_It's_Worth said...

Yes, but I already have her name, thanks anyway and for stopping by

Just curious said...

I'm trying to find out who the long red haired man is in the sparkle own your shine commercial.

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