Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Morongo Valet with Abraham Baxa, Payless, Anthem Health Insurance Guitar ad with James C Burns, and Balmex LifeLock TV Commercials

Screenshot for the Balmex ad.

So, I have been looking for this actress forever, she has done quite a few ads, but no one seems to know who she is. A Balmex ad was just released my area, and she is in that one as well. If you know who she is let me know, thanks!

Screenshot for the Morongo Valet commercial.

Abraham Baxa, plays the valet in the commercial.

Screenshot for the Anthem Health Insurance "guitar" ad

James C Burns, plays the grandfather who plays the guitar, rather shows his granddaughter how to play it.

Here is the Lifelock ad:

Morongo ad:

Another Morgongo ad:

Anthem Health Insurance ad:

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