Saturday, June 9, 2012

Progresso Soup and Fiber One/Number One Cereal

I have been trying to find the actress that plays Jack's mom in the Fiber One and Progresso Soup TV ads.
In Fiber One, she forgets to buy her son's (Jack) cereal, so her husband covers up the word, Fiber and renames the cereal, Number One.
She also plays the gal who calls into Progresso to tell them that her pants fit, the man on the other end has no reaction and she finally asks to talk to a woman to get her validation. Shame on you Progresso.
Today I found the actress who is in these 2 above TV ads, I am pretty sure that its Arianne Zucker.
She is also in an ad for Perle Vision and Lean Cuisine. If I can find the videos, I will come back and repost them.

Here is the Fiber One Honey Nut Clusters ad:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, she looks a lot better in the picture.

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