Here is the ad:
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Monday, March 31, 2014
Cadillac 2014 Spring Event Clearance "Playground" TV Commercial with Rick Otto
Here is the ad:
Audi 6 2014 “My Dad's a Space Alien” TV Commercial with Sophia Tully
Sophia Tully, plays the daughter.
Here is the ad, which I think won a few awards in best commercial category:
Friday, March 28, 2014
Pillsbury® Toaster Strudel® "Worst morning ever" with Gregory Von Straussen
Gregory Von Straussen, brand ambassador for the pastries.
Here is the ad:
Just For Men "AutoStop / Foolproof / Golf game" TV Commercial
Charlie Hopkins, plays the golfer, for more info see IMDB.
Here is the ad:
Zyrtec "Dissolve Tablets " TV Commercial with Fiona Robert
The lovely Fiona Robert, thanks for the info Myste Blue.
Here is the ad:
Thursday, March 27, 2014
The Lincoln Luxury Event Uncovered at Dupuis Lincoln with Celeste Beatrice Creel
Scotts Turf Builder "Grass Seed / Lawn Food" TV Commercial with Phil McKee
Phil McKee, plays the red head actor.
Here is one of the ads:
LaQuinta Inns and Suites "Gorilla in the room on top the table" TV Commercial with Maribeth Monroe
Here is the ad:
Lucky Charms Cereal "Transported out of the office" TV Commercial with Erica Piccininni
Silk Almond Milk " Moo / Helps You Bloom" TV Commercial
Listerine Mouth Wash "Everything your mouth does" TV Commercial
Pepsi Soda "Mini Cans / Mini Hollywood" TV Commercial with Charles Boden
Chales Boden, the first actor in the ad, he is also in the Progresso Soup where the Chef puts him through the ringer before he accepts his soup.
Here is the ad:
AT&T "Seal the deal" TV Commercial with Milana Vayntrub & Corie Vickers
Milana Vayntrub plays the AT&T employee. There are more ads, as this is a series like Flo with Progressive. (That's why there is only one)
Corie Vickers, has done so many tv shots, I recognized her from Prison Break and Without a Trace.
Here is the ad:
Monday, March 24, 2014
Discover It card "Fico score / surprise birthday party" TV Commercial with Matt Shallenberger
Matt Shallenberger plays the guy who doesnt like surprise parties.
Here is the ad:
SoCal Honda (Southern California Honda) "Spring into a Honda Sale / Helpful Wallet / Exterminate / Banana" TV Commercial with Alex Aschinger & Amy Lloyd
Alex Aschinger plays the Honda salesman, google him as he has done other ads and projects as well!.
Amy Lloyd
Here is the ad:
Payless Shoe Source "Fashion Sale / Style and Comfort" TV Commercial
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Subaru Outback 2013 "Painting on easel" TV Commercial
Sean Dwyer, plays the husband/boyfriend.
Aimee Shyn, plays the wife/girlfriend.
Here is the ad:
Boost Mobile "Purse Theft" TV Commercial with Angela Fong and Elizabeth Di Prinzio
Elizabeth Di Prinzio, plays the gal whose purse gets lifted but then returned with money.
Angela Fong, ries the back of the motorcycle, takes purse, puts money in it, then returns to rightful owner.
Here is the ad:
Pringles Tortilla Chips "Fake / Pretend dipping" TV Commercial
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Experian "Identity Theft" TV Commercial with Jacy King
The lovely and talented Jacy King; do a search for her on my blog for more ads, she has done quite a few.
Here is the ad:
Downy "Unstopables" TV Commercial with Amy Sedaris
Amy Sedaris, spokesperson for Downy. My first time seeing her was on Sex and the City, and next on Law and Order.
Here is the ad:
TWC "Time Warner Cable on demand" TV Commercial with Jimmy Fallon
Here is the ad:
Kmart "Layaway Brenda and Paul Name Tag" TV Commercial with Punam Patel and Pat Reidy
Punam Patel plays Brenda .... so funny, good job!
Still of Brenda.
Pat Reidy as Paul! Thanks to Myra for the information!
Here is the ad: