Saturday, November 30, 2013

Audi "You're going to need a bigger bucket / Donation" 2013 Holiday TV Commercial with Selyna Greenman, Christopher Boyer, & John Ruby

Screenshot for the ad.
So, here is one of the donators to the bucket. I have no idea who it is, and I have looked. I think she looks like the gal in the Farmers Insurance ad, I have added a picture of that gal. Let me know what you think.

This is the gal that is in a current Farmer's Insurance ad. I think they are the same, but I am just going by length of hair, chin and cheekbones.

Stacy Lee, pretty sure this is her, thanks to Diane for the info.

Christopher Boyer

Here is a side by side shot of Santa and the brain surgeon in the Kayak Brain Surgery Commercial (which I am not going to post because it has offended so many people and deals with sensitive subject matter.) Possibly, Santa and the Surgeon are the same actor? Thanks to Fred for this suggestion.

I believe the actor is Christopher Boyer, he is the Kayak surgeon (, not sure if he is the Audi Santa. He was also Robert E. Lee in "Lincoln". And he was in an ad called "The Power of Cheese." ( There are better photos of him @ IMDB:

John Ruby, plays the tall fellow with the glasses. Thanks to Eilhorn for the info!! Here is his website, I think we will be seeing more of him in the future

Selyna Greenman as the elf, thanks to Vaughn for the information. I will try and get this verified today. Thanks so much!! And good job Selyna!!

Yep, it's Selyna. It wasnt on her Facebook, but its on her website Thanks again to Vaughn for the correct info.

Here is the ad:


Projecto said...

The actress has a million dollar face for comedy, don't you think?

Inkerbelle said...

I've seen her before, but don't remember where.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

Yea, I am on the Audi site right now seeing if she is noted somewhere; totally baffled, she did a great job!

Unknown said...

Her name is Lori Beth Denburg. She was an original cast member on the Steve Harvey Show Sitcom. She has apperently lost a good deal of weight over the years.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

It somewhat looks like her, but I checkedf her FB and Twitter and am not seeing any news that she did the ad ... I will add her, and if I am wrong, I am sure that someone will come along and tell me. Thank you so much for additional information and for stopping by.

Pam said...

Not Lori Beth Denburg this is what she is doing now

uncle vinny said...

who is it? she looks like "deja vu" when seeing commericial.. bugging the heck out of me. Like I seen same expression b4?

Unknown said...

If anyone has a better result than I have. Then come forward. If you have no answer to dispute the one I've provided then you're just guessing. All you have to do is prove me wrong.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

Honestly, I am on the fence. I put both her pics side by side, to me I see the same hairline ... but, I am not able to confirm anything -- would love to ask her on FB or Twitter but I am too chicken. As well as Jerome, I would also like proof or the lack of ... I am leaning towards that it's Lori

MarkusUSA said...

Way too skinny to be Lori Beth Denberg. She did an excellent job, though.

Anonymous said...

It's Hillary from Lady Antebellum

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Matty: That's so funny -- they have a lot of the same features, lol and both are georgous for sure! Thanks for stopping by.

13bjunkie said...

Selyna Greenman

For_What_It's_Worth said...

Yea, the hairline looks the same -- I will add her and then try and verify it/make sure; she could be Lori's sister. Thanks for the info

Anonymous said...

Jerome, it looks like someone had a "better result" than you. I think you owe us an apology for being such an arrogant ass!

Projecto said...

Thank You!! Good job!!

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Projecto: You should go to her site and see her chatacter demo reel. Also she is involved @ Groundlings .... havent a lot of Saturday Night Live people come from Groundlings? She would be fantastic on the show ....

Projecto said...

Thanks for the info. I think we'll see more of her.

Ellhorn said...

The first guy, the really attractive one is John Ruby.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

Thanks for the info, I added him in!

Unknown said...

Believe it or not, I know Selyna Greenman personally, and it is her in the ad! Woohoo! Go Selyna! :)

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Ashley: Please tell her that she is number onem when it comes to indidivual uniques hits on her commercial

Johnny_Crap said...

Does anyone know who the Asian actress is, in the same ad?
She's the one who comes out of the store, spots the Audi, and drops her keys in the bucket.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Johnny: I have been trying to find her as well, and Santa .... I will try and get a screenshot of her, maybe that will help others

Fred Nelson said...

I'm pretty sure "Santa" is also the actor who plays the overworked Doctor in the Kayak "Brain Surgery" commercial. Still can't track down the actor's name but if you haven't seen the spot, it's one of the funniest of the year!

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Fred: Ok, I just did screenshots for both ads, and I looked, I cant find the actor either. I am not going to post the Kayak ad, because so many people are against it. I haver never seen it, but it can be found on you tube. Thanks for help, maybe this will help us locate the actor.

Unknown said...

I agree, it's Selyne Greenman. I don't know her, but I'll be watching for her in the future. I think she did a really super job delivering that line. It cracks me up. The little body movement, the key words '...bigger bucket' are just hilarious and the throat catch at the end is perfect. She's a very clever actress. She made that ad.

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Julie, yep I think she is funny and am hoping she'll land on SNL, or do some more ads. People say they dont like commercials, or fast forward thru them, I say they are missing out on someones career happening befiore our very eyes. I remember Farrah Fawcett's first ads, and look how far she went!! Hey, stop by anytime!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think she was a very cute Elf. Did a great job on the ad!

Anonymous said...

i believe the Asian actress is Stacey Lee

For_What_It's_Worth said...

@Diane, I think its her, too. I added her to here and the farmers insurance ad. Thanks so much for the info and stop by anytime

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