Monday, August 26, 2013

Nationwide "Burglar/Brand new belongings" TV Commercial with Julia Roberts, Jana Kramer, Cameron Gharaee, and Dusty Sorg. Music by Gin Wigmore

Here is a screenshot for the featuring Jana Kramer who plays Cat Woman, more about her below.

Jana Kramer, has already done a ton of movies and TV Shots; she was in Click, with Adam Sandler, too!

Cameron Gharaee, plays one of the burglars; you can google him, looks like he is Jack of all Trades!

And Dusty Sorg, the other burglar; also popular in movies and tv.

Here is the ad:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The lastest commercial where she rapels into the window has music by Gin Wigmore.Fabulous singer!

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