The top photo are some of the actors, actresses in the new AT&T Uverse TV Commercial. Also pictured is Kenny Ortega (Michael Jackson "This is it") The ad was filmed in Miami, FL and features a couple who with each addition of a guest comes a confession that they have 'invited a few friends'. Because of Uverse, you can move your TV anywhere you want, it will pick up the signal. During the ad, Gloria Estefan is singing her new song, Hotel Nacional
Here is Gloria's new song:
This is from the new BMW Pre-Owned commercial. There are two actors, dont know who they are yet.
Here is the ad:

Here is Bonnie Aarons. She is the Mountain Dew Boss Lady who shrieks after having a drink of her Mountain Dew. Why? Not sure, but it works for me. She is a very accomplished actress, memorable looks and presence!
Here is the Mountain Dew ad:
**Surprisingly, there are 3 more commercials that use this same Eagle sound byte, Acura ILX, Crystal Geyser, and the new ad for Disney Adventure Car Land ad. When I find the videos to match, I will upload them here.
Surprise, surprise .. Kraft's new I.D. gum has a new tv commercial to launch and it too, uses the Eagle sound clip.
07.29.2012: Another surprise, Geico has an ad thats using the Eagle Sound Byte:
08.05.2012: San Manuel Indian Tribe uses the Eagle Sound Byte.
Too bad I cant find any of these ads or the sound byte!
Here is a very hot guy, cant find out who he is, because everyone is more focused on The Clapping Song by Shirley Ellis. So if you know who it is, drop me a line. The commercial goes by Slap Hands or High Five
Here is the ad:
Here is the office gang created for the new Chevy Equinox Promotion Commercials. I believe that Tom, the African America, is played by Wayne Wilderson and funny guy that everyone is talking about is "Kyle" and I have no idea who he is in real life. You can follow Chevy and this promotion on Facebook. Look under "Under the blue arch". Really, Kyle's humor and Wayne's facial expressions make the commercials.
Here is the latest ad featuring Kyle making a prank phone call:
And here is my favorite Kyle commercial (Chevy Cruze):
featuring Katie Wallack, who can also be found here and there and everywhere
Here is Marisa Miller.
Marisa is a model, associated with Sports Illustrated and Victoria Secret. I am sure there are more. She has her own website and you can follow her on Twitter.
Here is the ad:
Reece Rios, plays Spiderman.
And Steven Nelson, eating the burger.
Here is one of the newer commercials for Carl's Jr Bacon Cheeseburger. I love the actor who accidentally sprays his spiderman web string. I have looked and looked and cannot find any of the actors for this commercial. I only know it was filmed on Broadway st, downtown LA, CA. Now that Spiderman has been released, the commercial is not airing that much
Here is the ad:
Here are a couple screenshots, showing Don Rickles and Joe Pesci.
Here is Jennifer Marsala
Here is Lauren Lapkus, also in the Chevy model clearance ad.
Here is the ad:
Here are Charlie Stewart and Tony Longo who are the main actors in the Sour Punch Straw TV Commercial. Its pretty funny, but I will tell you, there is nothing that I like that much that I would go peel it off someone's butt then eat it! Both actors have active careers and are one of a kind!!
Here is the ad:

Here is Carly Foulkes, from Canada; considered to be America's girl next door and most recognizable TV AD Spokesperson. Its true, my memory is pretty bad but I never forget T-Mobile, or Carly. I am sure she does other work, I havent really looked. I just know that T-Mobile launched several new ads with Carly as a wild one; dressed in leathers riding a motorcycle.
Here is the ad:
Here are James Moye and Andy Spencer. James plays the Kellogs Crunchy Nut Super Hero and Andy is eating his bowl of cereal in the new TV ad for Crunchy Nut Cereal. Its a pretty funny commercial, both guys are pretty entertaining. James is a polished Broadway actor and Andy, doing service with the US Coastguard, is now making his way into the entertainment industry. I wish them both the best of luck; thank you Andy for your service, hope to see more of you soon!
Here is the ad:
Here is a screenshot for the ad showing Eddie.
Jeff /Daniel Phillips plays Eddie. Jeff also played the original Geico Caveman. Here is his IMDB profile: IMDB Profile:
Amy K. Harmon, plays the wife.
Here is the Nissan ad:
Here is the Geico ad:
Here is Morgan Smith Goodwin, spokesperson for Wendy's.
Here is the ad:

This is Jessica Blackmore. She is the gorgeous gal that does the Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt 'Superbowl' TV Ad with John Stamos.
Here is the ad:
Here is Louise Griffiths. She is the actress in the Oikos Yogurt commercial who is hosting a party and she says after each party gift is received, "Possibly the best in the world" There is no video
Louise is also in an ad for Fancy Feast Story book wedding, and there might have been two before this ad that Louise also did
Here is the ad for Fancy Feast:
Louise is also in another ad, a new ad for Lays Potato Chips. Saw it for the first time on 07.15.2012. And here is the ad video clip:
And, Louise has done another Fancy Feast Cat commercial, guess its been around for a couple of months, but its just now airing prime time on the west coast.
Here is the video clip:
Here is Kellan Lutz, from Twilight who now stars in Time Warner's new cable commercial. Featuring a hot girl at school who likes the Twilight Franchise, so three guys set out to outdo each other with her birthday present. In walks Kellan Lutz at the end and he gets the girl, while the others guy just stare ...
Here is the ad:
Here are the Capital One Vikings: Donald Gibb, Christopher Darga, Jim Hanna, Patrick Wilkins
and here is the video clip:
Here are Ryan Porter and Heidi Johnson who show up at the tail end of Nissan's "Wouldn't it be cool" tv ad. Ryan is an actor and Heidi is a model.
Here is the ad:
Here is Ingrid Haas. She is in the new AT&T Road Music tv commercial (don't know who the driver is yet). She has done a few movies and tv guest spots. Looks a lot like a couple of other actresses.
Here is the ad:
West coast, All my exes live in Texas, Rocky Mountain High, Born on the Bayou, New York Groove

Here is Diane Amos. She is the infamous Pinesol lady in most of the Pinesol tv ads. She is very inspirational and is looking great these days
Rather than post a video of one of the tv ads, I am posting an interview with her:
Here is Ted Williams the overnight rags to riches success story of a homeless guy losing everything to drugs and alcohol that cleans up and sweeps the world of voice overs. He is in the Kraft tv ad and speaks at the end with, "You know you love it!"
Here is the video:
Keep up the good work Ted, we are all rooting for you.
Here is Brooke Lenzi.
Here is the ad:
Here are Matthew Rocheleau and Catrinel Menghia. Both are in ads for the Fiat 500. Catrinel and Matthew are in the "Seduction" version and Matthew is also in the "Baby" version.
In the seduction version Matthew is the pedestrian who stares at Catrinel. She yells at him "Che cosa guardi"! Which translated means, "What are you looking at?"
The other ad shows a couple of friends driving to a sporting event, the driver's son is in the back in a car seat.
They roll up on an older driver at a signal who stares at the car and the baby. The baby also yells the same Italian phrase, "Che cosa guardi"! to the older driver.
Soooo funny! I do not have names yet for the friend in the passenger seat or the older driver.
Here is the Baby ad:
Here is the Seduction ad:
Here is Kara Birkenstock; she is in 2 different Acuvue TV ads, both ads are pretty old but they are still airing. Kara is active in the fashion world, has her own blog and can be found on Facebook, Twitter and her own website.
I read on her blog that she spent time with Jessica Sanchez, from American Idol. Both Jessica and Kara are Phillipino.
Here is the ad:
Here are Richard Chiu and Joseph Julian Soria. They are both in the funny State Farm Buffalo TV ad. Apparently they are in a drive through animal park and have stopped their car to eat Buffalo burgers. But there are buffalo around and one of them rams the car. Richard is eating and Joseph is driving the car.
Both are accomplished actors and comedians and have done recognizable work. Here is an ad that Joseph did:
Here is the ad:
Here is Erin Chambers. There is a deep voiced man with her that gives her the bars; I dont know who this is.
Erin has also been on General Hospital as well as a handful other tv shows and movies
Here is the ad: